Monday, January 09, 2006

Responses To: How do you play soccer?

I asked several people to explain to me, via e-mail, briefly how to play soccer, assuming that I do not know how: so far, after 3 responses, the explanations are quite varied on length and knowledge in general.

1. Hmmm I actually dont know a thing about soccer. I know that there is a goaly and just a bunch of other people. HA and they kick some kind of.....ball. HA Im really sorry that I dont know anything about it. But if I can help in any other sure to let me know :)

2. Ummm....let's see how good I know the game myself-it's been a while! Well, first off, it can be played indoor or outdoor...but I'm assuming you only need to know about outdoor soccer. Each team is allowed 9 players on the field at one time. It usually consists of 3 forwards wich play at the midfield and are the one's who take the most shots on goal. Then there are 2 midfielders. There are 3 fullbacks that play closest to the goalie...and that makes up for all 9 players on the field. The objective of the game is to score on the opposing team.. I don't know how else to explain it! I'm so sorry! I think it's because I'm tired....haha

2. ok well, not that I am an expert on the game, but I guess I can try explaining what I do obviously you have two team starts with the ball and the objective of it, obsioulsly is to score by passing the ball from one player to another and scoring on the opposing team's goalie...when the ball goes out of bounce, the opposite team (who did not drive the ball out of the court) either throws or hits it back into the court to one of his teamates...i am not sure where the limits are exactly, but its something like this...if the ball goes out of bounce around the goalie, then it is the goalie who shoots it back in...if the ball goes out of the court between the corner of the court and the outer line of the goalie section, then it is something called a corner shot, where the a player shoots the ball from the very corner of the court to one of his teamates that is standing close to the goalie, trying to score...a penalty (that is when one player tries to score without anyone blocking between him and the goalie) happens when somebody causes a serious foul on another player...there is also something called a yellow and a red card...its like warnings for fouls; two yellow cards equal one red, and a red card equals expulsion for 2 games i soccer u cannot touch the ball with your hands, thats consider a foul and the ball is automatically given to the opposing team...thats pretty much all i think i know about the game...pretty much just follow the ball, try passing it to another player, and ultimately score...half time, you switch court sides...each period lasts 45 minutes, plus any additional time the ref might add for time that the ball was not moving (since soccer watch never stops, unlike football)...ok thats it, i hope this helps...


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